Come Into Fashion


A little while ago I made a promise to offer events for mama's that were about more than a soggy custard cream and a dusty church hall. While I love the local playgroups as much as any other mother looking for child-friendly shit to fill their days with, I also quite like an opportunity to do something a little more 'me'.

So, with that in mind, I'm super excited to be organising our first SWAP//SHOP which takes place next Wednesday at the beautiful baby boutique in Carnaby Street's Kingly Court, Carry Me Home. I am passionate about organising events that bring mama's together - I don't care what you do, who you are, how you wear your hair, whether you shop at Primarni or Prada...I just care that you want to have a good time, meet new people and smile a lot.

What's the sketch? Well...all you need to do is go through your wardrobe and select 3-4 pieces that you would be PROUD to swap. If you're anything like me you'll have loads of awesome pieces that have been worn once or not at all and for one reason or another just aren't cutting it for you anymore. Buy yourself a ticket, bring your clothes a long, have a drink on us and swap them out for other people's AWESOME stuff that (for one reason or another) they don't wear anymore.

It's a match made in fashion heaven.

And as if THAT wasn't enough we'll have some super stylish, super lovely mamas on board to help us out. Fashion bloggers (and awesome #mumbosses) Zoe a.k.a. Dress Like A Mum and Nat a.k.a. Style Me Sunday will be on board to help a mama out. If you haven't already checked out their Instas (HERE and HERE) then you should RIGHT NOW because I'm not joking when I tell you that I would still be wearing sweatpants every day if it wasn't for these lovely ladies and their inspiring dedication to keeping mamas active in the fashion stakes.

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Don't be scared, don't be intimidated, don't be worried. We can't wait to meet new faces and welcome more mamas into the Not Smug fold.

Buy your tickets now. Clear out your wardrobe and get your fun on.