Dystopian Novels

Illustration ©2019 Harriet Lee-Merrion from The Folio Society edition of Oryx and Crake

Illustration ©2019 Harriet Lee-Merrion from The Folio Society edition of Oryx and Crake

I mentioned on stories the other day that I was obsessing over dystopian literature at the moment. It’s not a new thing: ever since I read Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale at the age of 15, I have loved dystopian literature but I’d be lying if I said my passion hadn’t experienced a resurgence in the last year…can’t think why that may be!

So, as promised here is a list of my favourite dystopian novels:

  1. The Handmaid’s Tale, Margaret Atwood

  2. Oryx & Crake, Margaret Atwood

  3. VOX, Christina Dalcher

  4. Q, Christina Dalcher

  5. The Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins

  6. The Road, Cormac McCarthy

  7. The Children of Men, PD James

  8. Never Let Me Go, Kazuo Ishiguro

  9. Station Eleven, Emily St. John Mandel

  10. The Power, Naomi Alderman

  11. The Stand, Stephen King

  12. Ready Player One, Ernest Cline

  13. Skin, Liam Brown

  14. Followers, Megan Angelo

  15. The Choice, Claire Wade

If I’ve missed any that you think are amazing then drop them in the comments below!

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