15 Classic Movies The Your Kids Will Enjoy While You're In Isolation


While other, arguable better parents, are sharing colour-coded timetables showing how they’re going to ‘homeschool’ their kids, some of us are rocking in the corner at the thought of them being home 24 hours a day until the end of the world. I know there’s a whole heap of chat out there about avoiding screen time, and taking this as an opportunity to hunker down and play scrabble as a family but last time I checked, we weren’t the fucking Waltons and so, with a realistic approach to what the next few weeks are going to look like, I thought I’d share a list of classic films that you AND your kids can enjoy. Add popcorn and Pinot Noir for extra fun.

  1. Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure

  2. The Never Ending Story (beware the scene with Artax though)

  3. Labyrinth (beware the bulging crotch)

  4. The Goonies (Hey you guyssssss)

  5. Robin Hood (Disney animated version)

  6. The Princess Bride (As you wish…)

  7. Honey I Shrunk The Kids

  8. Jumanji

  9. ET

  10. Big

  11. Annie (although Miss Hannigan is way more scary than I remember)

  12. Matilda

  13. Cool Runnings

  14. Grease

  15. Mrs Doubtfire