Cat Sims

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Let's face it...when we think we could use a little parenting advice, Mariah Carey is not the first person that springs to mind. While I'm sure she's a perfectly competent parent, she's not exactly from the land of Normals. Despite this, the internet crumbled with consternation when she recently admitted she won't let her four year old twins see her naked. Cue the crazy. Mariah shocking announcement came in a recent interview:

"I love them so much, but when I'm home, they just want to be with me," she said. "I'll often take a bath in a bathing suit knowing that I'm going to have to let them in. It's that one thing that used to be my private time, and now it's not, but that's OK."

Ok - so she doesn't want her kids to see her naked body in the bath and she quite misses having time to herself.  But, upon doing a little research it's clear that these rules don't quite apply to everybody.


So just to be clear: kids not welcome, dogs totally ok.

I'm not the biggest fan of my Small pointing to my tummy and saying "Mummy Pig" or "Look at those drawings on your tummy mummy" or (my personal favourite) "Why doesn't Daddy have lumpy bits too?" But you know what? I'm OK with it because it's all about being comfortable and showing my gorgeous girl that the lumpy bits and the silvery lines and pig-shaped arse are all her fault part of my life journey.

Plus, let's face it. They're my issues not hers. I'm not quite prepared to burden her with all that bullshit quite yet.

I've sat and dedicated way more time and energy than is necessary in trying to figure out whether this is one of those 'each to their own' things or whether it's just plain cray-cray. Honestly? I've decided I don't give a shit but I can't help but think it's a little odd considering it's come from the woman who's wardrobe is made up almost entirely of mesh and deep, deep v-necks. She doesn't want her kids to see her naked in the bath, but it totally OK for them to see her naked in a magazine, or on a news report, or on a concert poster. mariah-carey-4dde8d481b3f2  mariah-carey-20040827-8320


As I said, let them see you naked, don't let them see you naked. We're not here to judge...but a little consistency would help us figure this shit out. Mariah, we just don't know where we stand with you anymore.