Cat Sims

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Tuesday. Ugh. It’s always been my least favourite day of the week. Firstly, I don’t like odd numbers and I’ve always thought of Tuesday and Thursday as the ‘odd numbers ‘ of the week. I don’t know why. That’s just how my brain works.

But Tuesday also sucks because it doesn’t stand for anything. It’s not Monday with all Monday’s hope of new beginnings, clean slates and renewed energy. And, as we all know, Wednesday is hump day and that comes with it its own kind of hope as we begin trundling down the hill to the weekend. Thursday is practically Friday and Friday is Friday but Tuesday? Well, it’s just a bit meh.

So, in an effort to fill your Tuesday tank in a way that befits the motherfucking Queen that you are, I wanted to tell you some things that your Rational Brain knows to be true but that your Goblin Brain makes it hard to remember.

Firstly, you are a good human. That doesn’t mean that you don’t lose your patience, or flip the middle finger to the douchebag in front of you who nearly made you crash because they couldn’t be arsed to use the indicator. Remember, it’s never about perfection; it’s always about practising, progress and keeping your eye on the game. If you’re sitting there worrying about whether you’re a good person, chances are you probably are.

Secondly, you’re also more than good enough. Those spaces you walk into that make you feel like you don’t belong, because you’re the wrong sex, or the wrong age, or the wrong marital status, or the wrong shape or size are yours to exist in. I want you to walk into those spaces today with a fucking smile on your face and voice that doesn’t betray the insecurity you feel inside. It’s not about not feeling insecure, it’s about being strong enough to take a chance on yourself and see what happens.

Third? You have a voice. I guarantee there are times right now - too many times - when you’re choosing not to use it. You’re feeling frustrated and angry and unseen but that’s a you-problem and not a them-problem…even though it’s easier to tell yourself it is. We’ve been taught that phrases like ‘No’ and ‘I don’t want to’ and ‘I can’t do that right now’ are rude. They’re not rude - they’re powerful AF. They’re called BOUNDARIES and they are yours to spread around today like confetti.

Finally, in case no one else tell you this. You are fucking loved. You are a strong, smart, confident human who spends their life putting others first. You are the glue that keeps the whole show together, the moving parts behind the clock face, the swan legs beneath the water line and I see you and everyone else reading this sees you too.

So, I hope, that’s enough to kick start your Tuesday. I hope you have a spring in your step knowing that there’s an army of women - over 2000 of you - reading this and sending you their love and thoughts.

Have a bloody marvellous day.